
Got pumpkin?

Because I love FALL and because I love pumpkin...I am all over these cute little things.

Along with several batches of these.

Minis...so you can eat more right?

4 telling it like it is:

Vanessa said...

I don't. But seeing that reminds me I need to stock up.

Misty said...

So I'm sitting at work right now, desperately craving a treat, and I thought, "Hey, maybe I can distract myself by checking blogs." And then I see this. Cruel, Amanda... just cruel. (Yes, I should distract myself by doing actual work while I'm at work. Ain't happenin' today. It's one of those days...) :)

ChellaJ [Rachelle] said...

yum-o! I have been wanting to make some pumpkin rolls, like my grandma would always make. But, then how to I lose the baby weight? Oey-Vey!

Unknown said...

Make them to give away but keep one piece for you! Satisfy your craving...you deserve it! :)