
Saw this on nienie.
Struck a chord with me.
Love President Uchtdorf.
(& not just because I like the handsome pilot type either)
Love the message.
Makes me optimistic.
At least for today. :)

5 telling it like it is:

The Green Family said...

Love that message and it struck a "chord with me," too. Thanks for sharing

Andreason's said...

I Love those short clips they make, they all are so amazing. I love his talks anyways, but that was great, thanks.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting that. I love it, what a good way to start the day. Let's get together soon!

ChellaJ [Rachelle] said...

Her blog is always so uplifting. I think she might be on Oprah soon too. Not sure, but what else would she be in Chicago for?

Unknown said...

I thought the same thing when she posted about her trip to the Windy City.