For our newly installed alarm system.
Resting a lot easier when Shane is away,
especially after all that took place in the area a couple of weeks ago.

For parents (and Aunt Kathy & Amy) that went all out and made Thanksgiving SO SO good! I look forward to chicken soup and mashed potatoes every Thanksgiving, along with stuffing & currant jelly. You can't beat leftover pumpkin & coconut cream pie for breakfast either.
I saw how much work you did, while we simply showed up & ate.
Thank you! Thank you!
For a job in this economy. Although Shane was eating dry turkey at a hotel restaurant with his crew, I was reminded to be thankful for the #1 Captain around here and his job. There are a lot worse things in life than having to work on a holiday right? Dry turkey is one of those. :)

For 2 new sweet nieces that I got to snuggle on.
Might have eased a little of the baby hunger around here...at least for awhile.
(Didn't snap a pic of baby Kayla)

For the 1st annual family BuNCo game after dinner. Good times & fun prizes!
(My apologies to the Robinson family... Kendal found some scissors and cut up their 2005 Tax Return while we were in the midst of our game. Refer the IRS here if you are audited.)
For two sweet kids. They make my life crazy and complete!
Also, for older nieces & nephews that entertain,
share their toys, slumber party with, tolerate and help with the kiddos.

For the best traveling weather along with Lady & the Tramp.
Made my driving alone a synch.
For the BEST kind of Black Friday shopping...that would be done whilst I slept by a die-hard shopper friend that so kindly took my list. Thanks again!

For "CUTIE" season that is now upon us.
(I think I ate 1/2 bag myself while in Parowan & another 1/2 bag since yesterday.)

For the 2 dogs we have...and not a pet gecko. We have the chance to "pet sit" the neighbors gecko this week. The kids are loving it but I think feeding and taking care of 2 dogs is MUCH easier than feeding a gecko live crickets and mill worms. oooh!
For a rivalry game that turned in their favor.
Thankful that I DON'T have to hear for the next year (from the above mentioned #1 Captain)
"how" BYU blew it. :)

6 telling it like it is:
Gecko? Ewww.
I'm thankful for really great bow assemblers. They make my tree complete.
Cute baby!
Great list & your more than welcome!!
Sounds like a great weekend, except the hubby being gone. We had Thanksgiving at our house since my hubby had to work.
sounds like a fabulous holiday! I was just telling a co-worker about the noodles and mashed potatos. It sounds weird to other people but they just don't know what they are missing!
sounds like a fabulous holiday! I was just telling a co-worker about the noodles and mashed potatos. It sounds weird to other people but they just don't know what they are missing!
Glad you had a good weekend. Cole feels Shane's pain - he was eating a packaged Hormel turkey dinner that he warmed up in the sink because he had no microwave in his hotel room on Thanksgiving. Poor boys.
PS - LOVE the pic of K in her boots and tights!
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