
Right now

Heidi tagged me on this.  
Cute idea. Here goes.

Right now Amanda loves...
-After dinner  stroller walks with the kids & Boo.  
Conversation heard may be, "C'mon mom, race that car." 
"Kendal ate all the Marshmallow Mateys again."
"It smells like Old McDonald." (as we pass the cow pasture)
-Jonagold apples
-Her Sonicare toothbrush...pure heaven!

-SNL skits of the Presidential debates

Right now Amanda does NOT love...

-That Shane cleaned out our window wells and found over a dozen Black Widows.  Yowzers!  (we have since sprayed) LOVES that she wasn't the one that had to climb down in the window wells!
-The economy
-Whiney kids

Right now Kade loves...
-Toy Story
-The BYU football media guide (he sleeps with it)
-Playing Elmo games on the computer 
-"Hankster buddy" (his dog)

Right now Kade does NOT love...
-Pooping in the potty (he says it scares him)
-Eating breakfast
-That mom can't find a "Woody" costume for Halloween
-Sitting in timeout

Right now Kendal loves...
-Fruit snacks, fruit snacks & fruit snacks
-Pulling out EVERYTHING in the pantry
-Throwing all her food to Boo
-Teasing Kade

Right now Kendal does NOT love...

-Being strapped in her carseat
-Being told no
-Having her hair done

Play along ...if you please.  :)

5 telling it like it is:

Suzie said...

I love this tag! Fun Fun.
Ok. Serously the cutest thing ever is that Kade sleeps with that BYU guide thingy.
Shane must be Prowwwwd.
And I don't know how you could ever say no to that adorable girl of yours.

(those avocados from Gardner Village is the exact thing that made me try the things after 30 years of nevers. I liked them. and not even cuz they were deep fried with heavenly dressing on the side. I really liked the flavor)
FUNNY you should mention those!
Trust Erika.

Candi and kids said...

I love this post, especially the part about the Woody Costume, I heard Dillon is being Buzz. That reminds me of when Kaleb was actually SWEET!!

Kristina P. said...

So, I found you!! I hope you ladies had a lovely time eating cupcakes and making cute cards.

I'm adding you to my Reader, so I can stalk you!

ChellaJ [Rachelle] said...

Great tag. "It smells like Old McD", just makes me laugh. And that Kade sleeps with the BYU guide. I love it. I have been meaning to call/email all week and it's just been crazy busy. We need to try to get out to Thanksgiving Point, maybe this coming week?

heidi said...

Thanks for playing! I love your lists. And I have to agree with Kendal - I don't like doing my hair either.