He is a big boy, sporting big boy underwear for the past week.
He has had his eye on the coveted Dinoco Chick Hicks for awhile. (Surprisingly, he doesn't have it)
So I told him when he went without accidents for 2 days & actually did the big deed (he has had issues with #2) in the potty, he could get it. (I let him pick out another that he doesn't have just because I was so proud)
Those Disney folks really know how to market to these kids I tell ya.
He was thrilled! I am even more thrilled. Down to 1 in diapers now. Yippeee!
Good job Kademan!
5 telling it like it is:
Good job, Kade! (and mom of course!)
You have no idea how jealous I am. Wanna borrow Caulder for a while and get him potty trained for us?
I remember those days!!! yeah for you!! good luck on my giveaway!
come by anytime
Congratulations! That Dinoco Chick Hicks toy was worth every penny.
Way to go Kade!!
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