
I did it!

It's official.  

He is a big boy, sporting big boy underwear for the past week. 
He has had his eye on the coveted Dinoco Chick Hicks for awhile. (Surprisingly, he doesn't have it)  
So I told him when he went without accidents for 2 days & actually did the big deed (he has had issues with #2) in the potty, he could get it.  (I let him pick out another that he doesn't have just because I was so proud) 
Those Disney folks really know how to market to these kids I tell ya.
He was thrilled!  I am even more thrilled.  Down to 1 in diapers now.  Yippeee!
Good job Kademan!

5 telling it like it is:

Vanessa said...

Good job, Kade! (and mom of course!)

Misty said...

You have no idea how jealous I am. Wanna borrow Caulder for a while and get him potty trained for us?

Wendy said...

I remember those days!!! yeah for you!! good luck on my giveaway!
come by anytime

heidi said...

Congratulations! That Dinoco Chick Hicks toy was worth every penny.

Amanda said...

Way to go Kade!!