
Conference...why is it only twice a year?

Once a month would be great!  :-)  It is so much easier to wrestle the little ones at home.
A little of what I was able to catch during the Conference sessions this weekend:

President Thomas Monson
Enjoyed watching the bio that they showed between sessions.  
Didn't realize that he is 80 years old...he seems so much younger.
He makes me want to do better and serve others more.  He is very humble and is a great leader for the church.  Loved his concluding talk on Sunday afternoon.

President Dieter Uchtdorf
I really like this guy!  Maybe it is his aviation references that he uses and compares to gospel principles. He has a great sense of humor too.
Now, I just need to learn to pronounce & spell his name correctly.

Elder Todd Christofferson
New member of the Quorum of the Twelve.  Enjoyed his talk on Sunday morning. 
Don't know much about him but look forward to hearing more from him.

Elder M. Russell Ballard
Loved his talk on motherhood.  Just what I was needing to hear.  Was glad to hear that Shane listened to this one on his drive home from work.

2 telling it like it is:

Suzie said...

I agree with all of your rundowns.

a great conference. can't remember feeling so uplifted!

Brooke said...

I agree once a month would be so nice! The older I get, the more I appreciate conference talks-atleast the parts I get to hear with the kids running around.