
American Idol Conspiracy

So...my brother-in-law Brian, has a theory that American Idol is all about the order of appearance.
For the past few weeks, those that have performed first have been in the bottom three.  Well, last night, I was surprised to see that Michael Johns (who was the first performer) was voted off.  
I wonder if this will stand true throughout the rest of the season?  
I am still pulling for Brooke & both Davids'.

4 telling it like it is:

Vanessa said...

Interesting theory. I guess I need to tune in!

Suzie said...

honestly, I have thought of this before because the same thing pertains to pageants.
not the same voting system, but human nature nonetheless.

hmmmm. interesting.

Anonymous said...

I did not think that he would have been voted off! I like him! But I am with you I like David and Brook. I also really like Syesha!

Sara said...

I was sooooooo sad and shocked to see him go! I think Kristy needs to go and then Carly and then Syesha. After that, I am ok with anyone else winning. :)