Our Kendal doll is 9 months old. Oh, how the time flies.
Here are a few of the exciting things that she is up to:
1. No matter how many toys I put out for her...she gravitates to the TV and unloads the DVD cases.
Why is this so much fun?
2. As many times as I put the books and toys in the bins...she dumps them right back out. I usually clean these up at least 3 times in the day before I give up.
This little girl is a busy little beaver!
3. Not sure if she is lacking a nutrient or what but she loves to chew on the drawer to the stove (complete nails on the chalkboard sound) and she also chews on the rock on the fireplace. Ahhh! Are you cringing right now?
She is busy but oh so sweet. She has the sweetest grin and is such a happy little thing.
A dog wags it's tail when it is happy...Kendal kicks her legs.
We love this girl.
5 telling it like it is:
I really do cringe when you tell me that! I need to witness it in real life though! She is a cutie!
the hair is standing up on the back of my neck...
she is really just the cutest thing!
You have the cutest title on your blog how did you do it?? I've been out of the blogging loop for a while, thanks for the update on the office I've been wondering when they would be back. Isn't it funny what they do once they learn to crawl. I feel like my house is always torn apart.
Just so you know, when she was smiling in church yesterday over your shoulder uncontrolably, yep, that was me. What can I say she loves me. Also, when Kade was laying on the ground rolling around and hiding (before you told him to stop) we were enjoying an immature game of hide and seek.
Well...I ruined all the fun didn't I? Was that before or after he so swiftly smacked me across the face? He was banished to the hall after that. I just wonder when they are going to start nursery during sacrament mtg...that would really help me out.
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