

 didn't think i could love my diet coke any more...until i saw the new can design.  i like. 

too many trips to riley's barn for honeycrisp apples.  i think they need bigger bags.

tru luv skis. anniversary gift.  isn't he romantic?  
actually a little bit excited for snow this year.  
did i really just type that?

my favorite new app.  cuptakes.
tons of cute wallpapers for the iphone.
(and if you have a mac, they are coming out with a desktop version)

kendal's new love.  toenail stickers.

i prefer my end of summer pedicure.

she prefers the unpainted tasty toes.

think i might need a words with friends intervention.
it fulfills my love of scrabble...especially @ 3 am.

excited to bust out the fall decor.
(actually my bin of fall stuff has been at the top of my stairs for 2 weeks)
maybe today will be the day i get to it.
  found this cute subway art here.
(i antiqued mine in iphoto)

finally took a class with my sis-in-law to learn how to use my almost 2 yr old camera.
loved it.  learned so much.  good to know the importance of iso, aperture & shutter-speed.
it's about time.  expect to see the most fabulous pics ever.  haha

2 telling it like it is:

Vanessa said...

I need to get some more Honeycrisps. We are running low.

WWF...too addicting!

Misty said...

Ummmm... can I borrow Kelsey? I would really like to nibble on those delicious toes, too.