
6 months

(excuse my laziness of fuzzy phone pics)

yes, i am as surprised as you are ms. kelsie.  
can't believe you are 6 months old today.
other than growing entirely too fast, you are pretty much a perfect baby.
(truly, best baby ever)
not sure how i got so lucky?

4 telling it like it is:

Misty said...

Soooo... there's pretty much no chance you're ever going to give her to me, is there? Sigh. I shall console myself by trying your Oreo pudding pops immediately.

Misty said...

PS - I still want to do a bbq. But between helping my sis plan her wedding (it's Aug. 6) and planning for girls camp (Aug. 9) and trying to schedule in a nervous breakdown about CJ going to kindergarten, we've been a little busy. It WILL happen though!

The Green Family said...

She is ADORABLE! And growing fast:)

Heather S. said...

Adorable 6 month old! So glad you have a wonderful baby....enjoy every second of her!!