
my double dream hands birthday

thanks for all the wonderful birthday wishes...via texts, fb, phone calls, gifts on the porch, surprises in the mail, emails and this little birthday dance gem i received.
this guy's enthusiasm & choreography skills can't be matched.
yes, in case you're wondering...i've been doing the dance all day.

5 telling it like it is:

Vanessa said...

He is the founder of the "Happy hands club"

Jenn said...

that was great--I was totally feeling it! :D

The Mama said...

Ha ha!! Love it! I am glad you had a great birthday.:)

The Sevy's said...

Those were some sweet moves!! Love it!

Misty said...

That is the best birthday present ever. I'm sorry I missed your big day. We should hang out and practice the double dream hands dance.