
what's it gonna be?

getting a little anxious around these parts.
less than 3 weeks to go.

so fun to wash & fold these itty bitty things.

boy or girl?

kendal thinks it's a baby puppy.

any guesses?

7 telling it like it is:

Suzie said...

It's totally a boy. Mainly because I am sure you're going to use my favorite name.

Kendal is the funniest person I know.

SewSara said...

i say boy! i love surprise gender babies! all of ours have been that way - so awesome :)

Misty said...

i think it's going to be a baby unicorn. The boy kind.

The Sevy's said...

hmmmmm... I guess a boy

The Hawleys said...

You know I have to go for a girl!

Vanessa said...

It will be a girl only because you don't have a name picked out and you will have to bring her home nameless.

Jill said...

I'll go against the grain and guess girl :) good luck! You're so close!!