
magic of christmas.

-he's baaaack.
our elf friend named frye.
it's amazing what the kids will do because they know frye is watching.

-christmas sugar cookies (including dog bones) with loads of sprinkles.

-gingerbread houses & mouthfuls of frosting.

-entertaining Christmas ballroom dance recital for ms. peyton.

-nightly anticipation of the 12 days of Christmas...thank you whoever you are.

-even a bout with the nebulizer can't keep the excitement contained around here.

-little people nativity & the interchangeable lego fire station.

-salem pond lights.

-no shortage of fun christmas tv shows followed with loads of christmas bedtime stories.

truly, nothing like this time of year!

5 telling it like it is:

The Mama said...

Your Kendall is such a cutie. I love her dimples. Thanks again for telling me about your elf, we are loving our little "Freddy".

Vanessa said...

That was nice of you to invite that ragamuffin child over to make cookies.

Suzie said...

some great things happening at the Edward's house.
so fun.

(wonder if the elf would work for my bratty kids?)

Andreason's said...

Thanks for telling me about the elf also..they were a little scared at first but they love it now. I'm glad someone else eats frosting right out of the bag too:)

Unknown said...

How Cute..