
pretty much...

how i feel these days.  2 sometimes, 3 naps a day.  really can a person be so tired? end of the 1st trimester just can't come soon enough. working on getting updated here.  pics from memorial day & on.  {sigh}  maybe this week...in between naps.

5 telling it like it is:

Jenn said...

congrats--didn't' know you were expecting! I remember the 1st tri. too well right now so I have totally sympathy for you.

patty said...

I hope you get to feeling better. Those days of feeling so tired are still fresh in my mind. I'm here to tell you it is all worth it. I enjoyed looking over your latest posts and got a kick out of your "summer means". Lets hang out sometime this year!

Bills said...

Congrats! I'm so excited for you and Shane. Can't wait to see how adorable number three is.

Devanie said...

Congrats! That is super exciting. There is nothing like holding a newborn!

Heather S. said...

Congrats, that's so exciting!!