
another year older & wiser too.

all rules go out the window on your 3rd birthday.  cupcakes & diet coke for breakfast.  sure.  dad made it home just in time for the festivities.
birthday request...pink bike with training wheels.   cinderella cake & cupcakes.  cousins & lots of sugar.  perfect party.

a fun year in preschool came to an end for kade.  miss jana has been great & will be missed. 
i may or may not have shed a tear or two watching the video recap of their year. 

3 telling it like it is:

Vanessa said...

I call that the breakfast of champions.

Please stop growing children. We want you to stay little.

The Sevy's said...

Happy birthday Kendal, Love the new bike!

Andreason's said...

I don't think Kendal can get any cuter! She looks so grown up...and
we are going to miss picking Kade up also.
He will have to come play for sure:)