

Happy Birthday Kendal bean!

Dear Kendal,

Can't believe you are 3!  Although you are 99% in your height (which makes your 5 foot nothin' mom proud), please stop growing so fast.  You have made this family so happy and we love you more than you will ever know.  Your independent & defiant personality is going to work to your advantage some day (at least that is what I tell myself).   Your sweet dimples get you out of anything and for this, you are pretty lucky.  We can always count on you to keep us laughing.   Thanks for being you and for making your dad & I extremely happy.  We love you Kendal Lou!


2 telling it like it is:

Sam and Riley said...

Happy Birthday Kendall, and Happy late birthday to you Amanda!
It's so sad how fast they grow!

Vanessa said...

HB to Kendal!!!

Vivi is glad they are the same age again.