
terrific twos.

a few of the many reasons, i love this age...

her style:

her vocabulary:

"yea, me does."

"hers not happy. hims happy."

"hold you."

"baffles." (waffles)

""mall, mall, mall." (once there was a snowman...small, small, small)

"shanie." (nickname for dad)

"thanks for dinner mom, it's licious."

"why that car has "moke?" (smoke)

"santa says, ho ho ho, what you want?"

her personality:

wants to be just like big brother

waitress in training

her love of singing & music

& banana protein shake mustaches

her best buddy (usually)

& the other best buddy

thank you miss kendal for making the terrible twos...not so terrible.

6 telling it like it is:

The Sevy's said...

I LOVE this post!! What adorable pictures, and wonderful memories of her at this age. Kendal is such a doll.

The Mama said...

Cute post! The pictures show her cute personality really well!

Melissa P said...

Those pictures are adorable! That was my favorite stage my kids went through too.

Heather S. said...

Cute post. It's nice when you get lucky (or just great parenting), and you get to skip over the terrible two's!

Anonymous said...

So cute! Enjoy them they grow up to fast.

Bills said...

That Kendal is a cutie, I would have to agree with you on getting Max and her together.