- homemade sourdough pancakes & biscuits
- wishbone spritzer salad dressing
- cinnamon lips from the bulk section
- kendal's reference of "it's a happy day" when the sun is shining
- my nyquil before bed
- kids that snuggle with me in my bed in the morning
- fun things in the mail
- a 4 yr old who thinks my bedtime stories are a hit (the nyquil helps)
- hrs of play-doh fun
- a mild (so far) el nino winter
- kendal's love of music. this girl knows all the words too. her current playlist includes...fireflies, hey, soul sister, i gotta feeling, old blue chair & everybody
- my friend bissell...dog poop & gummy bear throw-up be gone
- sugar cookies that turn out just right...even if i had to make 2 batches
happy valentine's day!
2 telling it like it is:
can I borrow some nyquil?
If you ever want to try that bissell out at my house you're more than welcome. I'm super giving that way.
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