Laughed out loud when I saw this:
(guess that makes me a nerd)

Have several resolutions I am mulling around. We'll see which ones will stick. :)
Very thankful for many lessons learned in 2009. I think I am a better person in several aspects of my life...but man do I have a lot of work to do in other regards. Have a whole lot to be grateful for. Healthy & happy kids. Shane's steady employment & a job he loves for the most part. Good examples all around me that push me to want to be a better person. My health & independence. Learning to be content. A fun new calling in the Primary.
I sure do love the beginning of a new year! (even if it means I am a year older and I seem to find a few more gray hairs)
Fresh start.
Treadmill here I come.
Bring on 2010!
5 telling it like it is:
Cute header.
My new year's resolution is to stop being too lazy to even come up with some resolutions. It's going to be a hard one for me to achieve.
I love that picture of you and Kade. What is the new calling? I haven't even made a resolution.
last year my new years resolution was to always return my grocery cart after shopping (despite snow, rain, screaming kids, etc.) Weird, I know. But I realized that if everyone was as lazy as me the parking lot would be full of carts. I am proud to say I did meet this 100%. This year I hope to read the Ensign every month all the way through. I realize that they are kind of random but little by little I hope they make me a better person. By the way...another goal, hang out with Amanda Edwards more this year!
Melissa- 2nd Counselor in the Primary Presidency.
Patty- Yes! I like that goal. We need to get together. I have missed you.
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