need to spend a good day with no interruptions learning all about our new camera.
then need to spend another good day (and then some) learning how to use Photoshop Elements.
made myself a chore list & am grounded until it's complete.
am working on cleaning out my card making/stamp cupboard first off because I can't find my paper cutter.
survived my 1st Sharing Time. whhhew.
am gearing up for tax season. (Shane is too)
got a jump start buying some summer clothes for the kids this past week...wishful thinking for some warm weather I guess.
have discovered sugar-free Werthers candy to satisfy my sweet tooth.
should call & make our dentist appointments. can't get excited about it for some reason. weird.
tried to coupon & didn't exactly catch on to the whole idea. or maybe i am just lazy.
feel like I am in a cooking slump. nothing sounds good.
do however, enjoy Thai take-out when Shane is out of town.
know that Shane is happy to have another sim evaluation behind him. good for another 6 months.
really wish that I could find tickets to the Jazz/Lakers game for Shane & I for less than $150 a ticket. we may end up watching this one from home.
committed 2 big no-nos. Costco & WalMart on a Saturday afternoon. what was I thinking?
did redeem myself by hitting Krispy Kreme on the way home with the kids.
sure enjoyed the leftover donuts for breakfast this morning.
7 telling it like it is:
Tell me when you are ungrounded so we can take the kids to play. I gotta get out of the house.
I need to ground myself so I can clean too:( After one sharing time they start to get alot easier.
I hate one trip to walmart or costco! WOW I would have had a donut for lunch and dinner!
Sharing time is not fun. Especially the way they changed it this year. I am sure you do a great job.
Walmart and Costco in one day, you are brave.
I am not at all ready for tax season, in fact I'm just sitting down tonight to do the first ones of the season......ugh!!! I'm alittle aprehensive about this year 4 kids in the mix should be interesting. Thank goodness we know exactly when it ends. :) Good luck to you!
I, too, am in a slump. I blame the weather. Let me know when you master photoshop and I'll pay you to teach me how (after tax season, of course). Also, regarding donuts for breakfast - I had 2 cookies and a swig of Code Red for breakfast this morning. I like your style.
You crack me up!
It was good seeing you tonight! let me know if you still can't get into my blog when you click on my name.
Also I hope you like mixbooks as much as I do!
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