
Wordless Wed.

5 telling it like it is:

Vanessa said...

Did you and Shane get to do a "couple skate"?

The Sevy's said...

I want to go skating!!! LOVE that pic of shane and kendal, she looks so cute!

H said...

Looks so fun! Where is this? I would love to go next time I am that way, or at least watch as my kids enjoyed it. A fall for my adult self would probably cost me a lot of money! Cute pictures!!

Unknown said...

Classic Skating in Orem. No couples skate for us. The very reason I was snapping pictures and not skating...a marvelous fall on the carpeted area right after I put my skates on. :)
Thanks Tyler & Erika for inviting us. Fun times!

Jenn Mobbs said...

My brother just took his kids on Friday and invited us to go along but we had already made plans. Looks like so much fun!