Such a fun month.
*I am a journaling beware, lots of pics ahead.*
1. SF Festival of Lights 2. Grandma Carole's Christmas story 3. Lots of sugar!!
4. Lots of family 5. My favorite people 6. Kade convincing Kendal that Santa came 7. The coveted Lego set 8. Dressups 9. Asian Star fun with friends..fa ra ra ra ra.

1. FONDUE 2. Christmas morn hair 3. Is it time to open? 4. He is a huntin' fool 5. Too many toys 6. Day after Christmas shopping...thx Erika! 7. Dad setting up before work 8. Don't tell Shane...he really likes these 9. Such a good little mother.
1. New Christmas book that we all love 2. Our visit from Frye the Elf. See you next year! 3. Love these kids...need a pic of the body slam Kade gave his sis right after this was snapped. 4. Ugly Sweater party fun 5. Could it be? 6. Cousin gift exchange 7. Christmas Eve jammies with the cousins 8. Kendal's new baby 9. Christmas Eve food & friends
1. Cars track that rocked 2. Kade's new huntin' gear 3. Christmas morning omelets 4. Puppets are a hit 5. Dad leaving for work Christmas morn :( 6. Cold. Cold. BYU Bowl game 7. Christmas clothes..thanks G & G Munson 8. Kendal was a pro at opening everyone's presents 9. Naughty or Nice? Cute for sure!

2 telling it like it is:
Looks like you had a great Holiday. We really need to make a New Year's goal to get together in 2010, since 2009 has now come and gone.
Great pictures! It looks like you had a wonderful holiday!
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