
Picture purge

A little of what we have been up to:

You know there is something going on when after a few minutes of silence you walk in on this.

The bribery idea of Mr. Bubbles foam soap (thanks Brooke) was good until they used the WHOLE can of spray bubbles in one shot.

Had a great time celebrating the big #4.

New Razor that he loves!

His birthday wish...a 2 wheeler.

Can't get enough of the Leapster.

Kade's birthday request was a trip to Chuck E. Cheese.

Good times with his pal Dillon.

Kendal dug it as well.

Boys & guns. Serious business.

Kendal has a new love..."Diet Toke."

Soccer is in full swing.

Not the most aggressive kid out there but says he is having fun.
Great entertainment.

Kade's crush...Ms. Julia. (in the visor)

Cleaning out the kid's closets. Out with the old and in with new fall-ish clothes. So fun!

Patiently waiting to hear that Verizon will soon seal the deal with Apple & provide service for the iPhone so I can run out and purchase me one.
(and Shane if you are nice, I will upgrade your iTouch to an iPhone)

My most favorite season. F A L L.
Found the cutest sparkly gourds to add to my harvest decor.
Is it too early for fall decorations yet?

College football. We love this time of the year here at our house.
Excited that we will be seeing both grandpas @ the BYU games this year.
A day watching football @ the stadium...a fun tradition that we look forward to each fall.

Off for his first day of preschool. He was so excited.
Getting bigger by the minute...sniff sniff.

Stop with the pictures mom!

4 telling it like it is:

Melissa P said...

I love the tub pictures! I had to quit letting my 2 bath together. It caused a lot of trouble. He is getting so big.

Jenn Mobbs said...

What a post! Happy Birthday to Kade. I love the foam pictures! I know as a mom it isn't funny when it happens but in a few days, weeks or maybe even years it will be so fun to look at those pictures & laugh!!

Is Verizon in the works for contracts with the IPhone? hat would be so cool!

Vanessa said...

Dillon's face is cracking me up.

Misty said...

Love all the pics. The ones in the tub are hilarious! Oh, and I'm sorry Cole stole your dinner a few weeks ago. I swear I feed him... occasionally. ;)