
Little Miss Independent

What happens when Little Miss wants to do it herself.
Clothes come off for every meal & snack for this little one.
(These chocolate pudding pics are very similar to the "Got Poop" pics that I took but will not post.  I'll spare you all from the nastiness.)

5 telling it like it is:

ChellaJ [Rachelle] said...

Cute. And, thanks for sparing us the got poop pics. It would be dry heaves for sure. I emailed you a week or so ago, did you get it?

Suzie said...

no freaking way.

thing is, she is still so dang pretty-chocolate, poo and all!

Riley Alexander said...

So is this really chocolate pudding then?

Anonymous said...

Those picture's are so cute! I hated that stage when Addi had to do everything her self and make a huge mess!

Misty said...

Mmmmm... looks delicious! You can get your revenge for all the messes by pulling out the poo pics when she's old enough to start dating.