Since my "Got Poop" post, we have had the same thing happen 4 times. Seems to be getting worse with each incident.
Not sure what to do about the poop smear(er). Is 16 months too young to potty-train? :-)
Seriously at my wits end. Any suggestions would be welcome.
8 telling it like it is:
What if you have her wear a onesie while she is sleeping, that way she can't really get to her diaper.
I was potty trained by 16 months. I am actually going to start Zoe in December ( 17 months) so it all depends on if the mother is ready for potty training.
I still say duck tape or like Vanessa said a onsesie that can't allow Kendall to get at the diaper.
I would try some rubber pants and a onesie. She is a smart little bugger!!!
Luke did this a few times. The sad thing is I cant remember how we got him to stop doing it. I know someone who got the zipper pajamas and cut the feet out of them and then put them on her kids backwards. That way there was no way they could get to the zipper to get them off. Good luck, cleaning it up everyday is no fun!
Thanks for entering my giveaway! Good Luck, it's tomorrow!
Hopefully she only does this when Shane's home so you can stick him with clean up duty! Maybe try moving her crib out with Hank. That way if she makes a mess you can just squirt it off with the hose. ;) Or just bring her to our house. Caulder's so dirty we probably wouldn't even notice a few poop murals!
I like the on where you put the Pj's on backwards so she cant zip it down!!! That is funny! I missed the Got Poop Post!!!
Good Luck, I have been potty training Addi and I think she has finally got it down!!!
I got nothin'.
Except some giggles!
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