
Congrats on the ESPY award!

I like to watch the ESPYs, mostly to see the Arthur Ashe Award (usually an inspiring sports story). This year I was glad to see these girls receive the "Best Moment of the Year Award".
If you have a minute (or five actually), watch the video below. Good stuff!

5 telling it like it is:

Misty said...

I love all the pics on here. Your kids are so cute. I love Kendal's mischevious little grin!

Vanessa said...

I hope when I hit my home run in softball, you and Candi will carry me around the bases like that. I won't be able to make around due to the fact I will be in shock that I actually hit the ball.

Andrea said...

That was a good story, me and Anthony watched them too. I got the biggest kick out of them, I laughed forever...I never knew Justin Timberlake could be funny. I'll have to remember to watch next year.

Riley Alexander said...

J.T is awesome. Yes, i'm a dude and i realize he is a dude, and that I just said that... but I stand by my statement.

Over The Tipsy Top Design said...

That was an amazing clip it brought tears to my eyes. I had heard about it but I don't sit long enough to watch much. Your blog is great! Thanks for letting me peek.
Love, Tonia (a Tipsy Girl)