
This is your Captain speaking...

Shane does not want me to encourage this as a career...but he sure is lovin' his new "hairplane."
Crazy pilot!

9 telling it like it is:

Riley Alexander said...

I think this was the one I wouldn't let Sam get. Addi's toys already take up like half our backyard. Maybe instead of a pilot, you could just encourage him to become the first male steward in history.

SittinDeadRed said...

That's not going to happen.

There's actually quite a large number of male flight attendants. Most of which play for the other team if you know what I mean. The kid that just won survivor from Utah was a flight attendant at SkyWest.

If I had to chose I would rather have Kade be a pilot. He's too smart for that though. Maybe he'll follow Grandpa's footsteps and either be an Engineer or Doctor. The way he hits a fastball maybe he's got a future in Baseball.

Anything but being a male steward.

Candi and kids said...

What other team I don't understand, can you clarify???

SittinDeadRed said...

The Mets!

Anonymous said...

How cute! He can be just like his dad!

Misty said...

Love the blog Amanda. And I like the Kade-isms section. I might have to steal that idea and add it to mine, if you don't mind. All the pics of Disneyland are great, too... I'm jealous, it looks like you guys had fun! Thanks again for the bbq.

Brooke said...

The airplane is the biggest hit in our backyard also! I love that it can entertain 8 kids... that is usually the amount of kids on it every day! Way to go Shane on putting it together! Kurt just loved that project- not my fault.. the Easter Bunny brought it to the kids. Loving the weather!!!! Cute Kade!

Tikes said...

I have worn my Braves hat on nearly every flight I've been on, and never once has a flight attendant told me "nice hat". They pretty much root for the wrong team. If they rooted for the right team....they would compliment me on my choice. I am pretty sure that is what SDR means.

SittinDeadRed said...

That surprises me. I would of thought for sure that when they saw your Braves hat they would have assumed you play for their team. I mean, come on, you have to be a little fruity to cheer for the Braves, don't you?

To be honest, I can't imagine most of the male FA's have any knowledge what so ever about baseball. They could probably recommend a good mall, or what hair products to use. But baseball? I doubt it.