
"I love technology. But, not as much as you, you see. But, I still love technology."

No internet. 

No phone.

No t.v.

Need to have more nights like this.

8 telling it like it is:

Suzie said...

I think you just described MY childhood.

but seriously, you are so, so right!

Suzie said...

yes it's 12:30 at night. I have at teenager on a date with a 1:00 am curfew tonight. And Emma woke up at 6:30 am!
I'm losing it!

Suzie said...

hey. while I'm up, HOW 'BOUT THEM JAZZ!!!

SittinDeadRed said...

I thought we agreed that no pictures of me raising the roof would ever be allowed on any blogs.

I guess that means that herkie pictures are now free game.

Vanessa said...

What did we ever do without all the comforts we have now? Maybe have a conversation with one another? That would be novel!

Please, lets see a herkie!

Riley Alexander said...

sweet reference from a sweet movie.

Devanie said...

Were you at Good Things Utah yesterday? I was watching it and at the very end they scanned the audience and I swear I saw you. If it wasn't you then you have twin!

Vanessa said...

See, you are famous!