We (along with Shane's parents) were able to spend some time in May 2002 with Scott & Keri & their family while Scott was attending dental school in Maryland. We did some touring of Baltimore and Washington D.C. while we were there. Here is a glimpse of what we were able to see. There is so much to see and do in Washington D.C. We would love to go back someday. Thanks again for a fun time Scott & Keri. (Even if while following Scott he led us into the ghetto of Washington D.C. where we were fearful for our lives) :-)
Pre-kids...we looked so young. Kids will really age you huh?
Inner Harbor in Baltimore
Washington D.C.

1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
(Note the sniper on the roof)
Cool to see the White House in person. Surprising to me that it was
right in the middle of the city. Go a few blocks and you are in the ghetto.
Air & Space Museum...spent a lot of time there. Wonder why?
Scott & Shane in the Flight Simulator @ the Air & Space Museum.
We were lucky enough to see Arlington Cemetary over the Memorial Weekend, when they put a flag on every grave. Amazing.
Arlington Cemetary. Sea of headstones.
Fort McHenry
Our favorite stop of the trip. Location where Francis Scott Key wrote the words to "The Star Spangled Banner." Since being there, the National Anthem takes on a whole new meaning when I sing it. Hard to tell in the picture but that flag is HUGE!
Vietnam Memorial/Washington Monument
4 telling it like it is:
Hey Blondie! When I saw that first pic, I thought: "Who is that with Shane??" Looks like a fun trip and so glad we get to see some flashbacks!
1. you are babies in those photos!
2. sniper. cool.
3. a flag on every grave is incredible. that must take so long. love it.
4. love those facts on the guards.
5. what a staggering loss for your dad's family. So, so young.
great post!
Hey Amanda, these pictures made me homesick. Maybe Scott and I should move back there. It was nice of Shane and Scott to wear twinner shirts to the Air and Space Museum in case we lost them! I also appreciate the story of Scott's Cultural Tours. You have to admit you do not find ghetto like that in Payson! We will see you soon. Take Care.
I agree about kids aging you. I've had to get my hair dyed ever since Caulder was born... stinking kid! And the pix of Kendal are adorable. I'm glad she had a good birthday!
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