
Looking for some sun!

Shane had the great idea of getting out of this snow and cold and heading to St. George this last week. (Thanks for getting your stir-crazy wife out of town for a few days) 

We stayed at the Hampton on Tuesday night.  We were a little disappointed that the indoor pool was FREEZING cold.  Once Kade's lips turned purple and he was shivering out of control...we decided we were done.  We headed back to the room and filled up the tub with nice warm water and the kids had a ball.  Kendal was in bed by 7:30 so we stayed in the room and watched the Jazz game.

  It's too cold

You have to be this cute to get away with a big boogie on your nose!

Doesn't seem to mind the cold

Let's go back to the room
Much better

The next day we woke up to rain...where was the sun we were seeking?  We hung out for awhile and checked out and then went to see Grandpa Munson at his new office and then we went to Iggy's Sports Grill for lunch.  (If you haven't been to Iggy's, you should...yummy food) Tracy is working on the same road project as my dad in St. George, so we got to have lunch with him too.  Good to see you Tracy, we miss having you up this way.

That afternoon we traveled to Parowan & stayed the night there. Grandpa busted out the sled and pulled Kade around until an accident with the peach tree took grandpa out...well, not really but he did have a nice bleeder on his forehead.  :-) 

Later on, grandpa was pitching to Kade and because of quick reflexes, (see photo) he dodged another injury.

Grandpa sure knows how to entertain.  Kade did not want to leave Parowan.
We had a good time getting away even if the weather wasn't as warm as we had hoped.
Hey Shane, how does Hawaii sound?

5 telling it like it is:

Shannon said...

looks like it was a fun trip!! i'm glad you got to escape for a few days. :) and it doesn't seem like the kids minded the cold pool at all!

Jenny said...

Your kids are so cute! How cute is Kendal's swim suit!

Brooke said...

What a fun vacation! I can't believe they would have a cold pool- the tub sounds like it was the hit of the night. Vacations are great especially to be with Grandma and Grandpa! Way to go Shane on taking your wife out of town! We love to get out of our houses even though you guys come home from a 4 day and want to stay home. Cute kids!

Vanessa said...

Bummer about the weather! Oh well, sounds like you had fun any way! Darling swim suit Kendal!

Suzie said...

oh stop it with that Kendal and her swimsuit. seriously the cutest piece of clothing I've seen in ages.